Difference and Equality

feel that we have often confused what 
equality means in these years of dismantling discrimination. The lines have become blurred many times with people promoting social phrases such as "I don't see colour" or even the well used anthem that "we are all the same". And while it's understandable as to why we would believe these statements to be helpful to solidify equality, they may not be the long run basis we are trying to set.

This is the truth: we are not the same. Nobody is. Infact, the world would be an immensely dull place if we were. Take a moment to truly appreciate this fact. We are NOT the same. Black people and white people, women and men, queer people and non-queers. Hear me out. We all however deserve to be treated as human beings; with respect dignity and compassion. That means that despite what makes us all different from each other, we are each deserving of love and understanding. "Differences only become significant if we live in a culture that recognises them as such." But the problem is not difference. The problem is that society has used difference since the beginning of time to exclude or include or discriminate against people and in doing so perpetuated a habit that has been passed down for generations. So many of us many not even know that we hold grudges against people we've never met because we are programmed to do so.

As human beings, it is understandable to fear that which we do not yet understand... at first, but it is our responsibility to learn to understand that which we fear in order to widen our perspective on life and our knowledge about the people around us. So let us be honest. Men and women are not biologically or psychologically the same, and it would be criminal towards the richness of our differences to be treated as if they did not exist. However: Differences are to be celebrated, not used as a means to exclude and destroy opportunities. To be treated in line with our differences actually, at its core, means to be respected for our differences. Take for example women and breastfeeding in public. This is something unique to women and if we were to be treated "equally" women wouldn't be allowed to do this because men can't. Unfortunately we find ourselves in many of these kinds of situations.

Maybe Equality is the problem. The better word should be Equity. This is what we need! Once we have true equity, actions done in the name of  'equality'  won't be such destructive forces. Equality is said to be the state of being equal in status, rights and opportunities while Equity is the state of being fair and impartial. More importantly it is about giving to those what is fairly due to them. Sense the difference? What is fairly due to me is different to what is fairly due to you because we are all different! But more deeply, it is because we all start from different starting lines. 

So what is the take-away? We should be treated differently because we are different. We cannot apply one way of teaching, learning, loving or even one set of rules universally to everyone. We are different and that should be factored into things - always.  HOWEVER, respect and compassion is not to be based on differences. We all deserve these. We need these things , especially in the face of inequality. Aspire to be equitable in order to one day be equal. We all deserve that too.


This is where I'll put in links to songs, books or any other resources that might relate to my blog post. Hopefully, you'll enjoy discovering some new things! 

The book that truly inspired this topic was one prescribed by a course in varsity. Everyone should really read it in order to have a deeper understanding of the topics mentioned. Please check it out: 

• Privilege, Power and Difference by Allan G. Johnson. 

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